[Life Back West] Early Autumn 2014 – The Big Reset

We might sell our Dolores Park area home, a house we’ve lived in for 20 years.

But then again, if the price isn’t right, we might not.

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We might pare down early – accelerating a plan 10 years out – and buy a place in Stanley Saitowitz’ minimalistic 8 Octavia in Hayes Valley.

But then again, if we don’t sell our home in Dolores Park at the right price, we might not.Read the rest

End of the Year Calling: The 90-Day Sprint

2014 is calling. Yes, you.shutterstock_109238105

The words it uses – “bonus,” “performance review,” “promotion” – may be different but the results are the same.

Time to up your game and/or up the game of your team.

Time to get started. If you haven’t been “campaigning” now is the time to start.

And every day counts.

It’s also time to realize that your boss – and anyone else who informs things that benefit you like pay, bonuses, and promotions – are prone to a series of cognitive biases.Read the rest

How-to-Escape from the Land of Shoulda Woulda Coulda

It’s the rare person who doesn’t want things to be better: better job, better career, better income, better everything.

Is the glass half empty or half full? The pess...

And if only things were better then that person – maybe you, maybe me – would finally have the life that they deserve.

Life, it seems, seldom works that way.

The reality is that you are you, and it’s what you do with yourself that makes all the difference in the world.… Read the rest

[Life Back West] December 2012 – “Mr. Watson, come here. I need you.”

Colorful Door

Life’s choices and chances come to you in so many ways that if you’re not looking you most likely miss more than you catch.

More often than not you focus on what you’re losing or lost, not what you could have gained.

The passing of a year, and meetings with some former colleagues this week reminded me of one simple fact; we regret more what we think we’ve lost than what we’ve likely gained.… Read the rest