Career Tip? Be Like Mike!

In the search for the “great” job, it helps to offer something that employers value that they can’t easily find elsewhere. It’s notIMG_3770 always easy but it’s doable; here’s how.

Start by thinking about you want to avoid; being a commodity.  A commodity, notes the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “is a good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (as brand name) other than price.Read the rest

The Bullying Boss: Independence Day


I bumped into a neighbor I’ll call “Sue”  on the 4th of July who had a problem that many encounter at some point in their career; a bullying boss.

Sue is gutsy, and had tried several “talk it outs” with her boss to figure out a way to work better together and was getting nowhere. The boss was relatively nice in public and a monster in private.… Read the rest

Your Role is Not Your Job Title

I Need You on the Job Every Day - NARA - 534704

They are the four most dreaded words to hear when you need help: “It’s not my job.

Guess what? It just might be your job.

Maybe it’s the intersection of speaking this past weekend to 12 bright women enrolled in my colleague and friend Stacy Blake-Beard’s leadership and gender B-school class at Mills College or an upcoming call with Shereef Bishay (TedSF: Applying Open Source Principles to the Work Place here) but one thought came to mind when I heard those words.… Read the rest


Amelia Earhart and Lockheed Electra 10E NR1602...“Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn’t be done.” – Amelia Earhart



Amelia Earhart and Lockheed Electra 10E NR16020 c. 1937  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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De Nile is not a River

shutterstock_95386021Face it, we all do it:

  • The job we’re hopeful we’ll land has no chance of ever showing up in an offer letter.
  • That diet (mine in this case) that we think worked well has the regular 36″ waist size slacks still too tight.
  • The company that’s getting it’s lunch handed to it in the market continues to think and refer to itself as a market leader.
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