Stay or Jump? The New Boss


My Boss My HeroThe all-day meeting with the exec staff ended up focused on one point:

“What should we tell the new CEO?

Hunch is everyone wants to do well with the new boss.

While there is the occasional new CEO that parachutes in, the rumor mill or extensive interview vetting usually gives you an idea who the new gal/guy might be.… Read the rest

“I’m Not There Anymore”

It can be surprising – even unsettling – when you bump into someone who has been a pillar of an organization for decades and they mention that “I’m not there anymore.

Pre-School Graduation!!!

That was the case when I bumped into Todd Wanerman at La Rondalla.

Todd was one of my son Traylor’s teachers at The Little School, a person so good and gifted at his craft that he was a benchmark for others in his profession.… Read the rest

[Use with Caution] “Some of Us Were Talking…”

There are phrases that bring out smiles and there are strings of words that generate frowns.


Here’s one that can do both: “Some of us were talking…

Like other “traffic signal” words and phrases – things like “but” as in “You’ll like it but it might be bumpy” or “just” as in “He’s just another candidate” – these words or phrases are best used sparingly and with smart intent.… Read the rest

Can Introverts (Co) Rule the World?

quicker delivery

They’re sometimes dismissed – usually by extroverts – as “too shy” and not-so-good at speaking up.

Social skills to mix it up in crowds can seem lacking.

When they’re “on point” it can seem like they can falter. They are said to have “issues” when it comes to small talk; not great “speaking on their feet.”

So can introverts (co) rule the world?… Read the rest

Your Career: The Art of the Comeback

Symptoms + Cures

Outstanding talent from Hillary Clinton to Mao Tse Tung to Robert Downey, Jr. has been humbled and managed a career rebound.

Here’s one more comeback-in-progress to add to the list: Jonah Lehrer.

Lehrer’s attempt has lessons for anyone who has stumbled, made stupid mistakes, or taken a fall for someone else.

Maybe you.

Lehrer has been publicly psychoanalyzed, editorially flogged, and digitally despised.Read the rest