Are You Interviewing the Candidate or Just Checking Their Pulse?

The interviewer with a candidate at the Starbucks in Hong Kong Central seemed nice, bright and engaging.shutterstock_117963070

She was, unfortunately, conducting a train wreck of an interview in front of me; when she asked early on, “You’re not a micromanager, are you?” I thought she was a goner.

When the candidate smiled, said “Of course not” and she smiled back, I knew she was dead on arrival,

She had just confirmed that the candidate had a pulse and an IQ (e.g.Read the rest

How to Juggle – or Hope to Juggle – Multiple Job Offers

Every job candidate’s dream is to have several job prospects that meet your job specs and simultaneously produce offers when you’re ready to make a decision.

Sometimes it really does work out that way; most of the time it doesn’t. And what you’re left with, as the anonymous poster on Quora this morning noted, is a “way to extend a job offer” so they can see what other offers surface?… Read the rest

[Recruiting] How to Say “No Thanks” to Candidates – Facebook and Others

Organizations tell you lots of about themselves from how they deal and treat applicants. The task, for candidates, is to make sure you’ve got your radar up, and don’t bliss out and fall in love to the point were you stop tracking all the things that go on in front of you.

If a company treats candidates poorly, you shouldn’t be surprised if some of that behavior carries on after people come on board.… Read the rest

[Through the Glass Door] “Don’t Leave Before You Leave”

Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg offers some gems of advice on her work/life philosophy in the September 23, 2009 issue of Fortune to people in general and women in specific.

Sandberg writes “But after watching talented woman after talented woman pass up opportunities, I realized that too many women make the mistake of leaving before they leave. Here is what is happens: An ambitious, successful woman starts considering having children.Read the rest