Why were you fired? “I’m not altogether sure”

Fired red stamp

It happens.

Out of the blue an exec (or anyone else) gets whacked.

Sometimes it’s a clear quantitative reason (e.g. sales goals weren’t met).

But many times it’s not. And that not-so-clear can be for a host of reasons frequently including “bad” fit.

And at the top, where competence is a given, fit is what what sometimes gets you hired and more often than not, fit is what gets you fired.… Read the rest

[Use with Caution] “Some of Us Were Talking…”

There are phrases that bring out smiles and there are strings of words that generate frowns.


Here’s one that can do both: “Some of us were talking…

Like other “traffic signal” words and phrases – things like “but” as in “You’ll like it but it might be bumpy” or “just” as in “He’s just another candidate” – these words or phrases are best used sparingly and with smart intent.… Read the rest

Why Does “Slow Down” Make You Go Faster?

The situation with my 30-person startup client is common; they’re growing so fast, and have so much to do that they don’t have time to stop and think.

And in the rush, predictable things happen; mistakes get made, rework has to be done, and you end up taking two steps forward and one step back. Thinking has taken a back set to action.… Read the rest

25+ Tricks of the Trade to Greater Effectiveness and Efficiency

I’ll be working with the staff of my favorite preschool (also the school my son attended, and on whose Board of Trustees I sat for four years), the Little School in San Francisco this evening as part of their ongoing staff development program.

While my work is mostly helping senior execs and start-up and leadership teams raise the level of their performance, the same ingredients which imbed that work – efficiency and effectiveness – inform the work of teachers in a preschool.… Read the rest