How to Juggle – or Hope to Juggle – Multiple Job Offers

Every job candidate’s dream is to have several job prospects that meet your job specs and simultaneously produce offers when you’re ready to make a decision.

Sometimes it really does work out that way; most of the time it doesn’t. And what you’re left with, as the anonymous poster on Quora this morning noted, is a “way to extend a job offer” so they can see what other offers surface?… Read the rest

The Best Steps to Prevent Senior New Hire Failure?

The cost to hire a good senior exec (think CFO, GC, COO, CMO, CEO  etc.)  is pricey.

The people are talented, can be really good at what they do, and the market in some sectors is seriously hot.

To compound things, talent poaching – the recruiting of a senior exec from one firm to another – is increasing and multiple offers to execs are on the upswing according to the Wall Street Journal.… Read the rest