What’s Most Important: Right Job or Right Boss?

It’s great to have choices but what if it’s a quandary?

Who's the Boss?One job offer is a role that fits you to a “T” with a boss with an awful reputation, the other is a poor-fit job with a well-regarded terrific boss.

While some thrill to have any job offer, figuring out which of these to take can be tough.

The right role fits you like a glove; it’s got stretch when you need it, and plays to your strengths, not your liabilities.Read the rest

The Job Market: Quickening Thaw or Just a Hot Flash?

Image by bgottsab via Flickr

The job market – something I survey as unconsciously as most people breath air as part of my work  –  seems to be telling us something this first week of the Gregorian new year.

But what it is?

For a large part of the US population the Great Recession is like a parallel universe; heard about, but not part of anyone’s day-to-day existence.… Read the rest