“I’m Not There Anymore”

It can be surprising – even unsettling – when you bump into someone who has been a pillar of an organization for decades and they mention that “I’m not there anymore.

Pre-School Graduation!!!

That was the case when I bumped into Todd Wanerman at La Rondalla.

Todd was one of my son Traylor’s teachers at The Little School, a person so good and gifted at his craft that he was a benchmark for others in his profession.… Read the rest

[Life Back West] Early Summer 2014 – “Save Water: Drink Margaritas”

Clever won’t guarantee success though it might get you noticed.shutterstock_192535826

C. S. Lewis once noted “No clever arrangement of bad eggs ever made a good omelet” and that’s a pretty smart way to size clever by itself.

So I chuckled as I saw the slogan on the back of the wait crew shirts at the recently re-opened La Rondalla restaurant in my San Francisco Mission neighborhood.… Read the rest