Unconventional Leadership: How Did Vulnerability Become Powerful?

It’s an interesting world we live in. “Show No Fear” and “Take No Prisoners” form the budget bargaining approach we get from the present Speaker of the House – John Boehner – who also cries at the drop of his hat.

Is the ability to evidence toughness and vulnerability in style? Are emotions the new black?

Boehner and emotions were top of mind on the way to re-listening to Brene Brown’s terrific TED talk The Power of Vulnerability until I  sidetracked onto David Brooks TED piece titled The Social Animal.… Read the rest

Tips for CEOs, Boards and Company Builders: 7 Succession Mistakes to Avoid

The trickle down process is in high gear.

Steve Jobs takes a second medical leave and everywhere business people are scurrying around to do or dust off CEO succession plans.

The fact of the matter is most people avoid contingency planning (Tornado? What tornado?) like Republicans and Democrats avoid candid, authentic dialogue about taxing and spending realities. Succession – particularly at the most senior levels like the CEO – invites thinking about the unthinkable; things like death, firing, or getting “your guy/gal” at the top swiped by another competitor.… Read the rest