The UBS Employee Dress Code: A Test Santa Claus Would Flunk

Three keys logo by Warja Honegger-Lavater.
Image via Wikipedia

In the old days – circa 1980 or so – companies depended on managing their operations by policies and procedures. Senior managers would issue an updated process and procedure, and people would follow the new marching orders. It seemed to work well – except when times changed and it didn’t.

Swiss banking giant UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), in a back-to-the future-moment, has just issued an extensive set of dress guidelines for its client-facing employees (“wear flesh colored underwear“) that makes it feel like the 1980’s all over.  … Read the rest

[Land of Spin] The Job Hunt: and Other Tricks of the Trade

Fortune Magazine’s April 13, 2009 edition has an article on Jamie Varon, who built a website called as part of her job hunt campaign to get – guess who – to hire her. She also writes a blog called “intersected ."  Her Twitter job campaign site apparently has spawned a host of imitators (,, etc.). [Update: Varon has also just launched a new blog site called "Shatterbox – The Way of Standing Out and Changing the World."Read the rest