Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

For those of us in the United States, this holiday is a uniquely northern american one (our neighbors to the north celebrate the Canadian version earlier in the Fall) and it is my favorite time of the year; one of those time when all of us can celebrate in a variety of ways marking our own unique family histories and customs.… Read the rest

[Life Back West] November 2011 – “My New Life”

Sometimes you see your future from a distance and approach it step by step as you would the Rockies from the plains below; you know the route, and how to travel it.
Jerry Mathers and Paul Sullivan
Leave it to Beaver – Image via Wikipedia

Other times, though, you realize that like that unfriendly cat who has suddenly decided to be friendly, it’s in your lap; what you’re staring at is your future that’s become your present.… Read the rest

3 Easy Ways to a Great Start in the New Job

Two conversations with two people last week, each with a new job; one was ecstatic, the other terrified.

There are three things you can do to get off to a great start with a new job. This post tells you about them.

Despite  advice, people don’t always leverage the interviewing process to collect the type of information that fuels a good starts with the new role.… Read the rest

Madeleine P. Brennan and the Trouble with Standards

It’s been a tough few weeks for standards.

While the details and allegations aren’t settled, the arc of the scandals involving Herman Cain, the Penn State University football child sex abuse case, Tokyo-based Olympus CEO firing and coverup, and the Jon Corzine -MF Global debacle is familiar; people betrayed positions of public trust.

There are standards that everyone flaunts (Are you driving 60 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone?Read the rest

8 Dreaded Words? “I’ll follow-up and get back to you”

It has become the dreaded phrase you don’t want to hear; “I’ll follow-up and get back to you”

Why? Because when you hear that phrase you know that 90% of the people you deal with won’t get back to you.

I’ve stopped chuckling when I get the email from someone with whom I’m scheduled to meet (“Are we still on to meet at 2 PM tomorrow”) because I realize we live in a world where people, rather than do as they say they’re going to do, do as they say they won’t.… Read the rest

Career Smarts: How Do You Know When Your Run is Done?

There are jobs that last a lifetime, and jobs that are over before they really start. In between is the job that has a predictable arc with a start and a finish; you just need to know when it’s time to move on.

And in the C suite, where fortunes might be made, and juggling competing egos and agendas can be a full day’s work all in itself, the risks and rewards of figuring this timing stuff out is even greater.… Read the rest