When Is It Time to Fire Your Co-Founder?

Start-ups are a lot like some relationships; great when when you first meet and date, perhaps a little bumpy and not-so-hot as you spend more time, grow, and start wanting different things from the relationship.

The fact of the matter is that the road is littered with co-founders or co-founding teams that needed to split apart – some stay, some leave – in order for the start-up to grow.… Read the rest

Tips for CEOs (and other leaders): There’s More to Performance than an Appraisal

Dental root canals, IRS tax audits, and what for many is the annual formal performance appraisal are all equally inviting.

There are some simple, straight forward steps you can take to make the performance appraisal process more appealing and effective, and this post will walk you through those ways and perhaps even have it be easier (if there is such a thing), more productive, and attractive.… Read the rest

The Corner Office: Where the “Girls” Are

There was a 1960’s coming of age movie about four Midwestern guys titled “Where the Boys Are.” Funny and clever for its time, it was also laden with stereotypical models of life – including the roles of women and men – of that era.

If you squint (“Really hard,” some of my colleagues would suggest) there is a different plot playing out in the corporate world in the United States today.… Read the rest

Dirty Secrets and Hiring Managers Tips: Beware the Interview Audition

Many managers dread hiring people.

It’s a dirty little secret, and one of the things that causes people to realize that they are not cut out for management.

There are things you can do to help avoid that dread; they aren’t elaborate, and with a little practice you can make the hiring process easier (dare I say “enjoyable”), hopefully less painful, and more reliable.… Read the rest

Navigating Office Politics: When Real is Fake

War is hell” said William T. Sherman – and most likely right before he burned down Atlanta (image right) on his famous “march to the sea” during the United States Civil War.

Office politics are a close second, particularly in the types of workplaces that either tacitly permit them or promote them.

In those atmospheres – not unlike some of the world’s cultures – to operate effectively you have to be quasi schizophrenic; keep separated what you think and believe, and what you say you think and believe.… Read the rest