The Problem with Values

Many organizations proudly tout them.

But are value statements worth the time taken to write them?


Here are some examples:

  • “Observe and preserve our core values of open communication, empowerment, inclusion, integrity, and trust.” (Cisco)
  • “A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.” (Boy Scouts of America)
  • Explore, enjoy and protect the planet.
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The Litmus Test: Would Donald Sterling Work Here?

I heard Tim Wise speak yesterday regarding race, gender, and the bagful of what gets summarized as diversity and inclusion.

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Wise was forceful, funny and spot-on. Sample lines: “If race is a card (e.g. “race card”) it’s a two of diamonds” and “Some execs like to colorize their organizations the ways Ted Turner colorized old movies.Read the rest

Why were you fired? “I’m not altogether sure”

Fired red stamp

It happens.

Out of the blue an exec (or anyone else) gets whacked.

Sometimes it’s a clear quantitative reason (e.g. sales goals weren’t met).

But many times it’s not. And that not-so-clear can be for a host of reasons frequently including “bad” fit.

And at the top, where competence is a given, fit is what what sometimes gets you hired and more often than not, fit is what gets you fired.… Read the rest

[Life Back West] Early Autumn 2014 – The Big Reset

We might sell our Dolores Park area home, a house we’ve lived in for 20 years.

But then again, if the price isn’t right, we might not.

English: Value function in Prospect Theory, dr...

We might pare down early – accelerating a plan 10 years out – and buy a place in Stanley Saitowitz’ minimalistic 8 Octavia in Hayes Valley.

But then again, if we don’t sell our home in Dolores Park at the right price, we might not.Read the rest

“I’m Not There Anymore”

It can be surprising – even unsettling – when you bump into someone who has been a pillar of an organization for decades and they mention that “I’m not there anymore.

Pre-School Graduation!!!

That was the case when I bumped into Todd Wanerman at La Rondalla.

Todd was one of my son Traylor’s teachers at The Little School, a person so good and gifted at his craft that he was a benchmark for others in his profession.… Read the rest

[Use with Caution] “Some of Us Were Talking…”

There are phrases that bring out smiles and there are strings of words that generate frowns.


Here’s one that can do both: “Some of us were talking…

Like other “traffic signal” words and phrases – things like “but” as in “You’ll like it but it might be bumpy” or “just” as in “He’s just another candidate” – these words or phrases are best used sparingly and with smart intent.… Read the rest