Just as former basketball superstar Michael Jordan, investor Warren Buffett, or businessperson Oprah Winfrey wouldn’t handicap themselves by taking their second-string game to work (e.g. imagine Buffett: “No, we just invest in companies whose names begin with M-Z), you want to take your best self to work and life. It means bringing the whole you – not just a part of you – to life.… Read the rest
[Ways to Say Thanks] “Great Articles”
There are a number of benefits from working with individuals as an executive coach, and working with start-up and leadership teams as a team coach. Some of them are financial, and some of them are pride in accomplishment. Some of the benefits are the unexpected thank you’s that make you smile from the inside. Here’s one of the latter:
“Dear Mike,
I was referred to your blog by another former BGIer [Barclays Global Investors – now part of BlackRock].… Read the rest
4 Simple To-Do’s to Give You a Great Start to 2010
This is my favorite time at the office. Phones are slow, emails are fewer and less urgent, people many times are away, and most everyone runs to a slower cadence than usual. Unless you’re in retail, the temptation is to also slow down (I”m all for that) and get little done (no way – heck I’m performance coach – I’m mostly about accomplishment).… Read the rest
[Scott Berkun] How “Trying” Improves Your Performance
Readers of this blog know that the body of emerging research by people like Carol Dweck from Stanford or Angela Duckworth at the University of Pennsylvannia show that trying, self discipline, and constant learning – rather than simply going to the right schools, having a high IQ, or having the right credentials – is what drives performance over the mid-to-long haul.… Read the rest
[Coaching Tips] “This Never Happens to Me”
Good business coaches use of host of tools and skills working with executives and teams: how they use those tools, and the robustness and effectiveness of the tools themselves is what separates coaches that are great and highly effective from those that are ho-hum and well, pretty ordinary.
One of those skills is the ability to see patterns of behavior where most might miss the connection between the dots, and to be able to use that insight to inform a host of suggested alternative approaches with a client.… Read the rest
[Performance Reviews] How to Give – and Get – Great Feedback
It’s performance review season for many people and the curse of most performance reviews – getting or giving accurate feedback – will be the bane of many a supervisor and employee. It does not need to be that hard. Habits, and the usual ways of giving / getting feedback, though, will do in many an attempt to give and get good, helpful feedback.… Read the rest