[Best Advice I Ever Got] “Good Execution Beats a Bad Idea”

Fortune Magazine’s November 23, 2009 issue features Willbur Ross in the “Best Advice I Ever Got” section. It’s well worth the quick read. My favorite line: “The biggest risk is the question you forgot to ask because the danger is always something you don’t know.

Ross speaks to two blind spots possessed by many organizations and their leaders – even mine as a solo practitioner consulting firm.… Read the rest

[Forks in the Career Road] An Early Thanksgiving

I had lunch with Littler Mendelson’s Lindbergh Porter today, an early Thanksgiving of sorts.

Seeing him reminded me that career choices and life opportuniities come to us in all sorts of ways and at times both convenient and awkward. Each choice you make has some consequence, both foreseen and unknown.

Lindbergh and I had worked together in the ’90’s when I was his client as an SVP of Human Resources.Read the rest

[Coaching Tips] 3 Key Things You’ll Want to Get from Your Performance Review This Year

As my colleague Margaret O’Hanlon has blogged at the Compensation Cafe, merit budgets in 2009 are tiny: the upshot is that most employees won’t see a salary increase. At a time of 10.2% national unemployment, the goods news for the folks who have them is that they have a job – the bad news is they’ll see no compensation reward for hard work and performance this past year.Read the rest

[Lunch with Harry] Predicting Success

The holy grail of management development programs is being able to assess skills, and predict who will – and who won’t – succeed. The hits and misses of what it takes line the walls: IQ and schools attended have become big misses, perseverance in trying and “grit” have become big hits. While work by researchers such as Carol Dweck, K.Read the rest