[U.S. Independence Day] What Made the Founders So Special?

It’s easy in troubled times – the Great Depression and World War II in the 1930’s and 1940’s, the late 1960’s and today’s times all come to mind – to wax nostalgic for the "good old days" and the presumed leadership that guided a nation’s people through those times.

Great leadership, whether it’s community or corporate, are leaders who effectively take a community or company from Point A to Point B: Moses, for example, or A.Read the rest

[Leadership Team Facilitation] It’s Not “Mamma Mia”

Good corporate leadership team group facilitation is like birthing babies: it helps to have lots of experience under your belt to do it well. Not unlike executive coaching, gray hairs and the experience that came with them helps too.

The twists and turns that are sometimes surprises in leadership team work are less so in the hands of a seasoned pro – they’re simply elements of larger script that are well known by someone who has seen them countless times before and knows how to handle them. Read the rest