A Reader Asks: Don’t Take the Counter Offer?

Dear Back West:shutterstock_133096196

“What if you interviewed for multiple jobs, accepted one and 3 weeks later got a second offer for a bigger company with more $. 

You told your new boss–he did not offer more money and I did not ask (hinted)–but asked about longer term. 

The boss was a bit stoic only repeating his intentions when hired.  I really like the job I am at, the other is more $ and work from home, but feel compelled to stay. Read the rest

How Do You Get Back on Track After a Career Detour?

The job that was supposed to work out well, doesn’t.shutterstock_60239728

You parachute out of that job to take another that is not on the road map to a successful career .

Somewhere between Point A and Point C you got detoured to Point Z.

Can you get back on the right road?

Maybe; here’s an example of somebody who got detoured and how they got back on track.… Read the rest

[Life Back West] April 2013 – Boat Rockers Wanted: Are You One of Them?

Branch Rickey in 1914

There are boats to rock, and boat rockers needed to rock them. Are you one of them?

Avoiding questioning existing conditions in a dynamic, changing world is a recipe for mediocrity if not disaster, but who has the moxy to ask the obvious?

Pay, fame or thanks, if any, varies, and while you’ll be respected by some, others will scorn you for disturbing their status quo.… Read the rest

How Can You Win by Losing?

Many of us, unless you’re a parent tanking to let your kid beat you, like to win.shutterstock_90826274

Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman in their (excellent) new book Top Dog will tell you that it this drive to win is part genetic, part upbringing, and part cultural – and that you can even successfully change how you approach competition.

Some of us desperately care about winning.… Read the rest