Career Smarts: How Do You Know When Your Run is Done?

There are jobs that last a lifetime, and jobs that are over before they really start. In between is the job that has a predictable arc with a start and a finish; you just need to know when it’s time to move on.

And in the C suite, where fortunes might be made, and juggling competing egos and agendas can be a full day’s work all in itself, the risks and rewards of figuring this timing stuff out is even greater.… Read the rest

Your Career: When the “Sure Thing” Isn’t

Sometimes the job you’ve been promised won’t be there; sometimes the job you think you’ve lost may return.

So how do you know if it’s a sure thing?

You won’t.

Learn why the “sure thing” today is likely the maybe thing tomorrow, and what you can do to make yourself better prepared when that sure-thing-to-make-or-nothing happens.

Why is the sure thing is not exactly the sure thing?Read the rest

When Did the CEO’s Job Become So Lousy?


Being a CEO of a public company used the be the ultimate role for anyone in business. So when did it become so undesirable – and just a stepping stone to a better things down the road?

Jobs and roles in companies go through cycles. ABC’s Pan Am shows us that being an airline stewardess was the hot job to land for working women in the 1960’s (boy, does that concept seem dated) and NBC’s The Office vilifies most roles, unless you’re the boss, in organizations today for the unpleasantness you have to tolerate to survive.… Read the rest

The Startup Called “You”

The myth is that startups mostly exist in places like San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Austin, Portland and Boulder, Boston or New York City.

That part is no myth; startups up do exist in those places.

But there is another startup in the town where you live. In fact, it’s even got your name on the door.

It’s the startup called you.… Read the rest