De Nile is not a River

shutterstock_95386021Face it, we all do it:

  • The job we’re hopeful we’ll land has no chance of ever showing up in an offer letter.
  • That diet (mine in this case) that we think worked well has the regular 36″ waist size slacks still too tight.
  • The company that’s getting it’s lunch handed to it in the market continues to think and refer to itself as a market leader.
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A Reader Asks: Don’t Take the Counter Offer?

Dear Back West:shutterstock_133096196

“What if you interviewed for multiple jobs, accepted one and 3 weeks later got a second offer for a bigger company with more $. 

You told your new boss–he did not offer more money and I did not ask (hinted)–but asked about longer term. 

The boss was a bit stoic only repeating his intentions when hired.  I really like the job I am at, the other is more $ and work from home, but feel compelled to stay. Read the rest

How Can You Win by Losing?

Many of us, unless you’re a parent tanking to let your kid beat you, like to win.shutterstock_90826274

Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman in their (excellent) new book Top Dog will tell you that it this drive to win is part genetic, part upbringing, and part cultural – and that you can even successfully change how you approach competition.

Some of us desperately care about winning.… Read the rest

Job Hunting? Avoid that Job Title (Unless It’s a Really Good One)

The prospective client I met yesterday had a great set of skills, and an accomplished career.


The problem? Their type of job – and many of the ones like it – were going away as the industry contracted.

If you hang your hat on your job title, there’s not much left to hold on to when that type of job goes away, either due to technological change (think data entry specialists) or an industry consolidates and you’re trying to move to another sector where your skills are transferable..… Read the rest