Life Back West

[Tips for Leaders] How to Avoid Off-Sites that Suck

With a nod to Kelly Clarkson, the first part of a fiscal year for many firms  is “off-site” time. Leaders go with their teams to a place off-site with hopes that a change of scenery – and sometimes a round of golf or some collegial dinners – will change dynamics and improve performance.

It probably won’t.

But don’t blame the off-site for the lack of a durable performance bump.

Taking teams and groups out of their normal settings to another place can have tremendous advantages in shifting and improving any number of team dynamics: communication, understanding, innovation, planning, etc. Why?  The simple act of changing physical space shifts the patterns and dynamics between people. And the fact that you’re stuck someplace with somebody else with limited time to hide increases the odds for chance interactions and with some smarts the chances of a favorable exchange.

Except when it doesn’t.

And the the memory, noted by psychologist and Psychology Today writer Ben Dattner, “of listening to your co-workers sing “Dancing Queen” might endure much longer than you want it to.”

Or as the Harvard Business Review reported in a piece titled “Off-Sites That Work”, “Few executives would call their off-sites outright disasters, but it is the rare management team that can look back six or 12 months later and say that the meeting truly changed the way the business is run. Most would agree with what a senior vice president at an Internet company said about his last strategy off-site: “It simply left no fingerprints on the business.”

First things first: an off-site session does not have to be at a fancy hotel or expensive conference center. As the Wall Street Journal reported, some firms are utilizing the meeting space of other companies to great advantage.

Here are five other things you can do to make sure the off-site achieves what you want, including durability – and avoids being lampooned at the water cooler and Twitter.

Team experts Douglas Smith (no relation) and Jon Katzenbach have noted that high performing groups exhibit these four qualities:

  1. Clarity of destination and purpose
  2. Clear milestones and deliverables
  3. Understood roles and responsibiliiies
  4. Articulated and agreed ways of working together (think: “Rules of Engagement”)

If you can come away with any off-site with establishing or cementing any of those four points then you’ve done better than most, and it’s probably time well spent.

Life Back West is an occasional set of writings focused on ways people, teams and organizations can be both more effective (doing the right thing) and more efficient (doing the right thing well). More about executive and team coaching services can be found at the “About J. Mike Smith and Back West, Inc.” sidebar or the “Hire Me” tab above. And yes, part of my practice is doing highly successful off-site design and group facilitation.

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