Life Back West

[The Job Hunt] If the Recovery is Here, Are You Ready? 5 Ways to Be Prepared

One of the adages in career coaching is that the best time to look for a job is before you need one.

With the signs of both Spring (at least in San Francisco) and an economic recovery in the United States appearing, a thaw in job opportunities looks like it has hit. But the jobs won’t likely be in exactly the types of roles as before, and maybe not even in the same geographies as the bumpiness of an uneven recovery hits different parts of the country. It does mean that some people will find similar roles, while others will need to repurpose themselves into new roles or new careers.

My leading indicator for over 20 years in employment markets has been HR/Recruiter postings: employers generally beef up their HR/ Recruiting functions when they start to feel pinched with internal recruiting capabilities and they can see new openings generated by increased business coming down the pike. Call it the CraigsList index and if you look at for February 1, 2010 it’s picked up.

So if the recovery is here, are you ready? And if not, what does ready look like? Here are five thoughts from over 25 years of recruiting and career coaching experience:

If you have those 5 things nailed you’re in great shape to either do the best you can in a job hunt, or the best you can in a new role. And here’s one more: buy Richard Nelson Bolles’ book What Color is Your Parachute. It’s a wonderful resource for career and life planning and something you’ll use for the balance of your life.

Being ready for a job hunt is a little like being in good fitness shape: it doesn’t happen overnight. And as another adage goes, you only have once chance to make a great first impression. If you’re ready, that impression is likely to be a good one.

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