Life Back West

[Life Back West] Leadership & Boards of Directors: Proof of the Pudding is in the Performance

The best adage I know for good cooking is captured in the phrase “Proof of the pudding is in the eating.”

For teams, the perfect saying might as well be “Proof of the team is in the performance.” And while we’ll hear a lot about good and bad teams over the next couple of months – from the Super Bowl, to the Winter Olympics, to the US men’s and women’s collegiate basketball tournament known as “March Madness” – the fact of the matter is that the best teams are teams that perform well when called on.

Corporate governance – spearheaded by boards of directors / boards of trustees and an organization’s senior leadership team – should be held to the same standard. Good boards and good leadership teams are those that perform well when necessary.

I can vouch for it: I just finished my second term and rolled off a board that performed really well. The lessons from that board apply to any number and types of other boards and leadership teams that I’ve seen from over 30 years working in senior corporate settings.

While we don’t automatically think of boards of directors and trustees as “teams,” we should: their role is to leverage their aggregated individual skills as a group to reach an optimum direction and outcome for a company or organization. Team experts Douglas Smith and J.R. Katzenbach, authors of The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High Performing Organization, define a team this way:

“A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.”

And while we hear much about boards performing poorly – and not teaming effectively – there is little excuse for that type of performance. A little discipline, a little diligence, and some applied persistence and commitment can make most teams perform well.

Leadership boards –  like management leadership teams – run through the predictable cycles of “Form, storm, norm, and perform” theorized by Bruce Tuckman and stage theory just like any other type of team. What makes the difference in board teams that perform? They pay attention and time to the team process.

Here are some examples from the board referenced above:

There are certainly other things that made the board perform: clear goals, well-run meetings, good board chairs, materials vetted before board meetings, high levels of commitment, etc.

But a large part of the success was due  to work and maintenance regarding the workings of the board and team itself. The result?  A board that worked well, performed well, and by the way, enjoyed working together.

The proof – as they say – is in the performance.

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