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[Ways to Say Thanks] “Great Articles”

There are a number of benefits from working with individuals as an executive coach, and working with start-up and leadership teams as a team coach. Some of them are financial, and some of them are pride in accomplishment.  Some of the benefits are the unexpected thank you’s that make you smile from the inside. Here’s one of the latter:

“Dear Mike,

I was referred to your blog by another former BGIer [Barclays Global Investors – now part of BlackRock]. I found your articles unusually insightful and candid. I forwarded the site to multiple friends.

As a BD/client servicing professional who has gotten all [their] jobs through referrals rather than headhunters, I learned a lot about how things work and how to better work with recruiting firms from your writing. I can truly say you made a difference in my approach toward career development at a time of great dislocation in our industry. Thank you very much for so generously sharing your insights.



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