Hiring Season: Can I Be Asked If I’m a Gamer?

Yes. No. Maybe?

You can tell when the economy’s improved because there’s an uptick of interviews. More experienced managers revisit what they’ve done before that’s worked well when hiring and novice supervisors surface this season’s new crop of oddball, silly questions.

“Can I be asked if I’m a gamer?” will likely be one of the tamer examples.

Candidates invariably want to know what can be asked.… Read the rest

Got Redemption?

Not got milk, redemption. The substance is different but the concept’s the same.

Somewhere in Oprahtown
Somewhere in Oprahtown (Photo credit: QUOI Media)

Do you have what you you need in your life to grow?

Unless you’re oblivious, a narcissist, or the uncommonly lucky, everyone has career regrets. There are jobs not offered,  “just” promotions denied, and layoffs that should have been someone else’s, not yours (or mine).… Read the rest

Your Career: Is the Boss Cheating on You?

It happens. You think you’re set in your job and somebody else catches your boss’ eye.

They’re prettier (or more handsome) and project a better executive presence, or code better, and perhaps could charm the skin off a snake and sell better.

The next thing you know someone has been hired over you in the corporate hierarchy  (“layered” is the HR term) and that secure feeling you had is gone south.… Read the rest