Job Hunting? Avoid that Job Title (Unless It’s a Really Good One)

The prospective client I met yesterday had a great set of skills, and an accomplished career.


The problem? Their type of job – and many of the ones like it – were going away as the industry contracted.

If you hang your hat on your job title, there’s not much left to hold on to when that type of job goes away, either due to technological change (think data entry specialists) or an industry consolidates and you’re trying to move to another sector where your skills are transferable..… Read the rest

Different Rules for Different Employees? Expect Different Behaviors

In the land (perhaps) of no surprises, it turns out the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has one set of ethics guidelines for rank and file and a different set for the 24 executive directors who oversee the organization. As in the rules for the rank and file don’t apply to the senior execs.

If the IMF moniker doesn’t ring bells, last week IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested for alleged rape of a hotel maid.… Read the rest

Tips for Execs: A Drive By is Not a Check-In

I’m having lunch and a close-out conversation with an exec coaching client in Silicon Valley today. She has made obtained great results with small changes; her boss thinks she’s doing great and frankly so do I.

And she’s got a lesson or two that you can use.

One of the things she’s done is slowed down and let her direct reports (and a colleague or two) lead part of the conversation.… Read the rest