Fix the Pinch and You (Too) Can Avoid the Crunch

I’m guilty.

In the land of do as I say and do as I do, I’m buckling on the latter and hoping you do the former.

It happens.

Despite best intentions to behave true to my own advice I slipped into behaviors that others rely on me to avoid modeling. It happens. Welcome to being human.

I have a conflict with someone on a board on which we both sit and rather than address it early, it’s gone from a minor annoyance to major avoidance.… Read the rest

What Do You Do When There’s Tension at the Top?

There are three well-known West Coast asset management firms (financial services speak for mutual funds, venture capital, private equity, hedge funds, or fund of funds firms) – none of them clients – where the firm’s leadership team members barely tolerate each other.

They talk when they must. Otherwise they minimize their working relationships as much as possible.

The firms make money. … Read the rest

The Quality Paradox: The Problem with Firefighters

Everyone admires firefighters.

Whether saving a cat from a high tree, or risking (and sometimes losing) lives battling a forest fire, firefighters universally evoke respect.

The same is true inside the business and organizational world; everybody applauds and cheers for the person or team who comes in to save the day, prevent the business for slipping into disaster or at least preserve what’s left of it, or prevent that favorite customer from leaving.… Read the rest

Tips for CEOs, Boards and Company Builders: 7 Succession Mistakes to Avoid

The trickle down process is in high gear.

Steve Jobs takes a second medical leave and everywhere business people are scurrying around to do or dust off CEO succession plans.

The fact of the matter is most people avoid contingency planning (Tornado? What tornado?) like Republicans and Democrats avoid candid, authentic dialogue about taxing and spending realities. Succession – particularly at the most senior levels like the CEO – invites thinking about the unthinkable; things like death, firing, or getting “your guy/gal” at the top swiped by another competitor.… Read the rest

“Startup America Needs to Look More Like America”

Sweet post from Tristan Walker this morning on the subject of startups.

The link is here.

University of Michigan professor Scott Page’s interview in the New York Times – “In Professor’s Model, Diversity = Productivity” can be found here.

Page’s research has shown that diverse groups outperform non-diverse groups in mid-to long term performance; fire drills, no, start-ups and running an organization, yes.… Read the rest