Hiring Season: Can I Be Asked If I’m a Gamer?

Yes. No. Maybe?

You can tell when the economy’s improved because there’s an uptick of interviews. More experienced managers revisit what they’ve done before that’s worked well when hiring and novice supervisors surface this season’s new crop of oddball, silly questions.

“Can I be asked if I’m a gamer?” will likely be one of the tamer examples.

Candidates invariably want to know what can be asked.… Read the rest

The Trouble with Recruiters

There is trouble in recruiter-land.

Talk to any in-house recruiter and they know it. Talk to any job candidate and they suspect it.

Heck, as someone who has run small, medium, and large size talent acquisition operations I even know it.

You probably do too.

So what’s going on?

Back in the pre-online application days, circa 1996,  internal recruiters working for employers customarily carried (preface: at least the good employers who knew to balance workload with quality) 10-15 job requisitions – openings they were trying to fill – at any one time.… Read the rest

(Almost) Never Take the Counter Offer

The question from a Quora post was not-so-unusual,


Vector handshake

I am working for a company from last 8 months. I resigned there because i was getting better offer in terms of money anywhere else. My present employer counter offered same salary. Work wise both companies are same. Will things change if i stay in my current company (like perspective of manager and HRs towards me)?

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