Naismith’s Pride: Teamwork Spells Success

Eight United States teams – four men’s and four women’s – of sweaty, baggy-shorted collegiate basketball players will be running up and down a wooden court that is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide trying to claim the winner’s trophy in what’s known as basketball’s Final Four over the next few days.

Basketball, more than any other sport, is the ultimate team experience: nothing else comes close in the way five players must play well together and the lessons for business are endless.Read the rest

[Land O’Spin] Paging Jane Higa

The previous post had some initial, basic how-to information on assessing people and teams more effectively. The beginning point was simple: track and note behaviors. This post continues that theme and adds a second element – if you’re assessing, be clear about what (and how) the skills you’re seeking to assess are demonstrated .

We all get asked to make assessments– a more polite word for judgments – and frankly most of us aren’t very good at it.Read the rest

Choose Me, Hire Me! – Part 1: Show Up


Headlines blare: “Why You Should Hire Me.” While times may be challenged, there is work (and jobs) to be had. I’ve been in the people (and teams) assessment business for over 25 years , both as a coach to managers and teams and as someone directly responsible for hiring thousands of people through roles running large staffing / recruiting operations.Read the rest

[Life Back West] December 2008 – “Three Square”

My dad, who passed away at age 96, referred to life in his later years as “Mike raising father.” From the land of what goes around comes around, my son Traylor seems to be inspiring the same type of learnings for this pop.

After lunchroom / playground duty with fellow volunteer parents Erica and Billy at the new school , I got to see a couple of my son’s classmates apply simple pragmatism to recess.Read the rest