Hooray for Candor!

There are some advantages to being at the organizational top.

People below you on the business pyramid are unfailing polite, things sometimes happen on a suggestion and not a request, furniture is nicer and pay is usually greater. Tones are hushed, the carpet is deeper, and pleasantries are often the order not just of the day, but the minute.

Candor – the quality of being frank, open and sincere – is often missing in action.… Read the rest

[The Talent Game] Coffee with Amy

It’s great when good people do well.

It’s even better when good people, talented people navigate a career bump or two and end up in a better role with a better boss and culture than they left behind.

Someone I’ll call “Amy” is one of those people.

I know her through community work we’d done together, and my coffee with her this week was to catch up on her new job, and to debrief on how she got there.… Read the rest