Managing Your Career: Sometimes a Job is Just a Job

Chris Guillebau’s recent retweet – “never take a job you’re already qualified for” – combined with playdate with a mom with two small kids yesterday –  reminded me (once again) that sometimes you take a job because it is just a job. And a job for which you’re well qualified.

The fantasy among some career counselors is that career planning is strategic planning with precision tactical implementation.… Read the rest

How to Avoid the Interview Trap

There are a lot of ways for hiring managers to foul up their interview process, and the easiest one is to fall into what I call “the interview trap.” It doesn’t have to be that way, and with a little thought, and a little modesty to offset any natural hubris you carry, you can miss that trap and get more accurate data when you interview.… Read the rest

How to Ask a Question: It’s More than Who, What, When, Where, Why and How

The title seems either simplistic or insulting: “How to Ask a Question?” Who needs to know that?

Turns out, plenty of people do, and the post below will walk you through some ways to make your questions, and your time, both more valued to others and valuable for you.

While we all learned (or should have learned) the grade school lesson of the 5 W’s and 1 H, the reality is that asking good, effective questions that surface information and quickly cut to the core of an issue is part art, part science.Read the rest

Big Grain of Salt: Does Education Make You “Smarter?”

Richard Florida, author of the must-read books The Creative Class and Who’s Your City? has a new post titled The Density of Smart People. It’s based on his review of analysis done by Rob Pitingolo that looked at something called “educational attainment density.

Richard begins his post with a simple statement: “Clusters of smart people of the highly educated sort that economists refer to as “human capital” are the key engine of economic growth and development.Read the rest

The Psychic Blogger: Pfizer to Pay Academics to Find Uses for Molecules

The headline for the story in the Wall Street Journal by Jonathan Rockoff said it all: Pfizer to Pay Academics to Find Uses for Molecules.

Rather than have their own researchers take a crack at it, Pfizer is spending $22.5M to have researchers at the medical school at Washington University in St. Louis review approximately 500 Pfizer molecules to see if they can be used for other purposes than those for which were either approved, or are in current research for a different use, or failed in clinical trials.… Read the rest