Barrier Busters

The Catch: Willie Mays hauls in Vic Wertz's dr...

Every time I look at my pocketbook, I see Jackie Robinson.

Willie Mays


The Catch: Willie Mays hauls in Vic Wertz’s drive at the warning track in the 1954 World Series. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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Never Say Never

We – you and me – sometimes draw a hard line in the sand.

Lindsay Lohan

Most of them, like what waves at the beach do to sandcastles, end up being washed away.

It’s a smarter practice to draw a soft line with a qualifiers – words like “unlikely,” “maybe,” and “probably” unless you’re willing to go to the mat for something.… Read the rest

Do You Have the Right Stuff?

It happens.MV5BMTgxMzE2ODQxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNDUwNzk5._V1_SY317_CR8,0,214,317_

You find what you think is the perfect co-founder, core team, spouse, or even executive coach and they say, “I may not be right for you.

Successful match-making is part timing, part skills, experience and interests, and part karma.

The fact of that matter is that great combinations don’t just happen, they take work.

Take a review of famous co-founders for example: Jerry Yang and David Filo; Pierre Omidar and Jeffrey Skill; Bill Gates and Paul All; Evan Willams and Biz Stone; and Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.… Read the rest

[Life Back West] March 2014 – The Six O’Clock Club

Ask any priest, competitive athlete like Michael Jordan, or experienced traveler.iStock_000019334536Medium

Rituals done with intent bring meaning to life.

They also work, doing things like boosting performance and making things go better.

Francesca Gino and Michael I. Norton noted in Scientific American that “investigations by psychologists have revealed intriguing new results demonstrating that rituals can have a causal impact on people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.Read the rest