Make-or-Break Career Skills: How to Manage Conflict Successfully

There are a number of ways to effectively manage conflict. The approach someone recently used with me (“There are issues; you’re the problem“) is not amongst any of them.

Here’s one conflict resolution approach that in my experience works 90+% of the time.

As a step back, it’s helpful to remember that much, perhaps most, conflict stems from people having different perceptions about what has happened or is happening.… Read the rest

Why Does “Slow Down” Make You Go Faster?

The situation with my 30-person startup client is common; they’re growing so fast, and have so much to do that they don’t have time to stop and think.

And in the rush, predictable things happen; mistakes get made, rework has to be done, and you end up taking two steps forward and one step back. Thinking has taken a back set to action.… Read the rest

Bright Lights, Dark Days: Joys of the Winter Solstice

While the science of genetics proves we all (yes, we all) originated in and around the Great Lakes region of Sub-Saharan Africa, time and migration have scattered humankind around the globe and somewhat given us a northern hemisphere outlook.

Along with the evolution of a common darker skin to a broader spectrum from jet black to pale opaque, our human migration patterns gave us a north of the equator, Northern Hemisphere bias.… Read the rest

The Trouble with Success

Given the choice between career success and career failure I’ll likely take success. Heck I’m like anyone else; who do you know who hates succeding?

The trouble with success – one of many – is that most of your learning comes from the bumps of failure, not the sweetness of accomplishment. The biggest derailer in my experience as an executive coach is a lack of smaller mistakes and failure early in someone’s career.… Read the rest

What’s Your Teachable Moment?

As an executive and team coach – or a CEO –  you are can always use teachable moments. They are the  times when you can draw a straight line between some moment of reality that’s staring you in the face in the here-and-now and a concept or principle you’ve been trying to teach.

Teachable moments come at any time, though they seldom have a predictable schedule.… Read the rest