[Life Back West] March 2009 – The Value of Experience

A little experience goes a ways, and a lot of experience goes even further. It may not mean you know the answers to the future, but it provides a data set that is significantly greater than those who are newly initiated.

I remember Todd Wanerman from the preschool our son Traylor attended (and on whose board I still sit) assuring us that despite my son Traylor’s fierce declaration – “I’m going to wear pull-ups until I’m five!”Read the rest

[Land O’Spin] I’ve got it, I’ve got it, what is it?

In the earlier two posts [Land O’Spin] two things were covered regarding assessment basics: 1) Watch and note behaviors (what did people or organizations do), and 2) when assessing something, what sort of behaviors, actions or characteristics are you looking to see demonstrated or evidenced?

In my coaching work, whether with individuals or teams, the first thing I start do is observe: what’s going, what do I see, what other actions or behaviors are triggered, etc.?Read the rest

[Land O’Spin] Paging Jane Higa

The previous post had some initial, basic how-to information on assessing people and teams more effectively. The beginning point was simple: track and note behaviors. This post continues that theme and adds a second element – if you’re assessing, be clear about what (and how) the skills you’re seeking to assess are demonstrated .

We all get asked to make assessments– a more polite word for judgments – and frankly most of us aren’t very good at it.Read the rest

It’s Late at the Candidate Pub: Part 8 – “Last Call” – of the nine part series “Choose Me, Hire Me!”


Like looking for a spouse / partner when you hear some loud form of biological / life clock incessantly ticking, the scent of desperation is something that job candidates should avoid. That vibe evokes caution on the part of would-be-employers, and can torpedo promising job opportunities.

For people who are locked into job hell, “between jobs” or just plain out of work, the feeling of despair may feel inevitable.Read the rest