
Amelia Earhart and Lockheed Electra 10E NR1602...“Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn’t be done.” – Amelia Earhart



Amelia Earhart and Lockheed Electra 10E NR16020 c. 1937  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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De Nile is not a River

shutterstock_95386021Face it, we all do it:

  • The job we’re hopeful we’ll land has no chance of ever showing up in an offer letter.
  • That diet (mine in this case) that we think worked well has the regular 36″ waist size slacks still too tight.
  • The company that’s getting it’s lunch handed to it in the market continues to think and refer to itself as a market leader.
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A Reader Asks: Don’t Take the Counter Offer?

Dear Back West:shutterstock_133096196

“What if you interviewed for multiple jobs, accepted one and 3 weeks later got a second offer for a bigger company with more $. 

You told your new boss–he did not offer more money and I did not ask (hinted)–but asked about longer term. 

The boss was a bit stoic only repeating his intentions when hired.  I really like the job I am at, the other is more $ and work from home, but feel compelled to stay. Read the rest

How Can You Win by Losing?

Many of us, unless you’re a parent tanking to let your kid beat you, like to win.shutterstock_90826274

Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman in their (excellent) new book Top Dog will tell you that it this drive to win is part genetic, part upbringing, and part cultural – and that you can even successfully change how you approach competition.

Some of us desperately care about winning.… Read the rest

Paging Sue Leeson: “You Can Do Better”

Sometimes the best thing you can do to help someone is a firm tap and playing a bit of a noodge.


The fact of the matter is that people seldom improve without some sort of feedback, and if you don’t help them with it, who do you think will?

I thought of noodge (or nudge) as I sent a note back to a coaching client asking them to rework their “lighthouse letter” – a product that asks exec coaching clients to put down in one page the conversation their grandkids/grandnieces – nephews would have if the now 100-year old client overhead them describing the client’s life.… Read the rest