Career Tip? Be Like Mike!

In the search for the “great” job, it helps to offer something that employers value that they can’t easily find elsewhere. It’s notIMG_3770 always easy but it’s doable; here’s how.

Start by thinking about you want to avoid; being a commodity.  A commodity, notes the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “is a good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (as brand name) other than price.Read the rest

How-to-Achieve Your New Year Resolutions? Be Like Mahatma

The New Year is here, and many of us in North America will note the start of the year with resolutions, a legacy of being informed by the European side of the immigrant family tree. The Romans gave us January 1st as the marker for the new year, and Pope Gregory promoted it with the introduction of the Gregorian calendar , something adopted by the Western / Christian world in 1582 and used as a loose business default calendar globally.… Read the rest