[Life Back West] January 2012 – Paging Amelia Earhart

Trailblazer, aviator and stereotype breaker Amelia Earhart once said “When a great adventure is offered, you don’t refuse it.

Amelia, however, wasn’t helping raise a son. She also hadn’t just rebuilt a coaching practice working with individuals and teams back to pre-Great Recession levels.

Taking a risk for her, covering a gamble, was perhaps easier, with less downside to go along with any upside.… Read the rest

[Tips for Entrepreneurs] The Secret(s) to Your Start-Up

Things are bubbling in the technology start-up world: not 1998 frothy, but clearly bubbling nonetheless.

And even while there is sobering reality – for example Tom Abate’s piece yesterday in the San Francisco Chronicle Why Silicon Valley Faces Fresh Threatsthere are telltale signals that things may be changing.

Signs of a cautious optimism can be found from the uptick in the amount of venture capital investment – noted courtesy Chubby Brain here in the highest number of deals occurring in the US in Q4 2009 at US$5.5 B with an aggregate of US$20B for the year – to articles such as Dharmesh Shah’s in OnStartups.com… Read the rest

[New Rules] Traylor’s World

In the old days, which is anything more than about seven years ago, I would be playing my personal version of “Masters of the Universe” today. The plot would be familiar: take several important meetings, make several important phone calls and send several important e-mails. If it were an unusually important day, I might even be traveling out of town for particularly important meetings.Read the rest