RIP Walter Breuning: Smarts & Wisdom – and Why You Need Both

The young man knows the rules but the old man knows the exceptions” suggested Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Holmes, one of the 20th century’s most influential public figures, was on to something.

While youth (and fresh eyes) serve well with certain types of situations – think Emperor’s New Clothes, quant analysis, or the brilliance behind the Apple’s designs –  wisdom from elders is something that you can’t find anyplace else.… Read the rest

The Job Market: Quickening Thaw or Just a Hot Flash?

Image by bgottsab via Flickr

The job market – something I survey as unconsciously as most people breath air as part of my work  –  seems to be telling us something this first week of the Gregorian new year.

But what it is?

For a large part of the US population the Great Recession is like a parallel universe; heard about, but not part of anyone’s day-to-day existence.… Read the rest