When Do You Fire Someone for a Resume Error?

This month’s Yahoo kerfluffle – a company that desperately needs this type of stuff least – involves the misstated resume of new Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson.

You’ll recall that Thompson replaced Carol Bartz several months ago. Bartz was fired via a phone call from Yahoo’s chairman. Candor and accuracy was and is never an issue with Bartz, something that probably did not advance her career with the Yahoo board.

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Business Life: The Problem with Women

There is a problem with women in business. Symptoms are everywhere.

And where you expect it the least given the perceived meritocracy – high technology – it appears to be the most present.

Is the ‘Mommy Track’ Still Taboo?” blared a headline in the Wall Street Journal this week.

That piece follows the Journal’s post “Addressing The Lack of Women Leading Tech Start-Ups” that noted that only 11% of U.S.… Read the rest

Business Exec Outed as Gay; Does Anyone Really Care?

McKesson Headquarters, San Francisco
Image via Wikipedia

Gawker was promoted buzz this past month with speculation that an exec from a leading San Francisco Bay area company was gay. It’s helpful to remember that this is the publication that uses headlines such asAnderson Cooper is a Giant Homosexual and Everyone Knows It” or “Which Pregnant Actress Has a Famous Cheating Husband.” It may be published, but it’s clearly Rupert Murdoch-style journalism.… Read the rest

Lessons from Great CEOs: How to (Every So Often) Escape the Bubble at the Top

bubble of beer on a bottle
Image via Wikipedia

As sure as night follows day, a “bubble” envelops CEOs and other senior leaders once an organization starts to grow beyond 10 or 15 people. It’s the nature of having a leadership position, the number of people in an organization, and the fact that humans operate in certain predictable ways.

While it’s a bubble that can provide some needed buffer, it’s also a bubble that disables.… Read the rest