[New Rules] Did You Flunk the Test?

You have a testing problem – you probably just don’t know it.

As noted earlier [here , here and here ], the use of psychological and personality tests to make hiring and promotion decisions is on the uptick. With the recent US Supreme Court Ricci vs. Stefano decision, any number of ill-advised HR types will likely increase the use of these tests.Read the rest

[Land O’Spin] New Hire Selection: Fly Blind or Hire Smart – 3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Hiring Effectiveness

With the job scene mostly a seller’s market, a recent lunch with one of my favorite search from one of the blue chips reconfirmed my sense that psychological testing continues to be a hit and miss element in getting hired.

Employers continue to hire psychologists – many with little commercial experience – to poke, pry, question and generally get under the hood of would-be executive placements.Read the rest