Is a Job Still A “Job”

Where communications abilities takes us a host of other trends and patterns follow.

For better or worse it’s given us a world where you can be tethered to work by iPhone or computer, and share information via short text bursts and immediate access And as this week’s Wall Street Journal chronicles in “Why E-Mail No Longer Rules“, changes in the nature of communication have changed how we fundamentally think of a host of related relationships – such as jobs.Read the rest

[The Lure of “Can’t Miss” Talent] How Do You Measure Heart & Chutzpah?

Like the song of the Sirens , for some people the “right” backgrounds or the “right” personality test scores suggest “can’t miss” – the certainty that someone who comes from certain schools, certain environments, certain zip codes, or certain Meyers-Briggs personality profiles will be predictably successful.

You’d be wrong: predicting success in business or life does just doesn’t work that way.Read the rest

[New Rules] The Name Game: What Job Title Should You Ask For?

Mike Latham, who I know through my work at Barclays Global Investors, is a good guy and a good

Job Titles


He gets things done, is transparent in his dealings, is funny, works hard, knows the business, and is respected and liked by the people with whom he works.

His job title – CEO of United States iShares – looks like a great example though of “paying” people with a title in order to retain them.Read the rest

“And Don’t Forget to Do Your Homework” – Part 3 of the series “Choose Me Hire!”


Headlines blare: “Why You Should Hire Me.” While times may be challenged, there is work (and jobs) to be had. I’ve been in the people (and teams) assessment business for over 25 years , both as a coach to managers and teams and as someone directly responsible for hiring thousands of people through roles running large staffing / recruiting operations.Read the rest