The Perfect First “Real” Job?

Skills Like This

Is there a perfect first “real” job?

Probably not. But there are some real stinkers to avoid if you have the choice.

And I’m not talking about summer jobs, volunteer work, and or that paid – or unpaid internship – that might be out there. All of them, IMHO, are important.

But for serious importance it’s hard to match that first fulltime real job.… Read the rest

How-to-Escape from the Land of Shoulda Woulda Coulda

It’s the rare person who doesn’t want things to be better: better job, better career, better income, better everything.

Is the glass half empty or half full? The pess...

And if only things were better then that person – maybe you, maybe me – would finally have the life that they deserve.

Life, it seems, seldom works that way.

The reality is that you are you, and it’s what you do with yourself that makes all the difference in the world.… Read the rest

Are the End of Year Holidays Good for Job Hunting?

Nothing Like the Holidays

It’s the end of the year, and common wisdom says that people have packed up shop and that it’s a lousy week for job hunting.


But as John Greathouse notes on his blog, “Conventional wisdom isn’t.”

The next two weeks will be a time when people’s schedules – if they’re not in company shutdown mode – will be unpacked, thoughts will be directed to things apart from work, and folks will be relaxed.… Read the rest

Sending Out an SOS: How to Ask for Job Search Help

Getting off the dime and asking for help in a job search is often the hardest thing that people encounter.

It doesn’t have to be.

Here’s how:

  1. Be clear about what’s going on. If it’s better spoken, make a call and talk directly. It’s almost always best to make a call and talk directly with close contacts and colleagues before casting a wider net via a broadcast note. 
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What Happens When the New Boss F**ks Up?

It happens.

The new senior hire (formerly called a senior suit in the days when the males who mostly occupied those roles actually wore matching jackets and pants) is keen to make their mark at the new place so they make changes. Often big ones.

Sometimes those changes work, and sometimes they bomb.

New CEO Marissa Meyer has clearly put her mark on a number of shifts at Yahoo in the five weeks she’s been on board changing some obvious practices: free food (a la Google, where she formerly worked) at many of Yahoo’s locations, instituting weekly check-in meetings (called FYI in Yahoo-speak), a reinvigorated and more rigorous hiring process, and engaging in greater dialogue and access with programmers than her predecessors.  … Read the rest

When Job Opportunities Knock: Do You Take the Unexpected?

“When a great adventure is offered, you don’t refuse it,” trailblazing aviator Amelia Earhart suggested.

The same can be said about that unexpected job opportunity that surfaces; the one that you didn’t foresee, is off the planned career arc and yet you find intriguing.

Take it or punt? Kick the heart-racing-intrigue down the road until you’re “ready” or take a flyer and pursue it.… Read the rest