What Would Santa Say?

Santa Checks the Naughty or Nice List

Gary Allan Hertzberg, the American musician known professionally as Gary Allan, has a song line of  “Let’s be naughty and save Santa the trip.

For the “naughty or nice” standard, it’s a pretty good way to gauge behavior, and one for all of us (you too) to follow.

Exemplary behavior in one person – think Nelson Mandela – is rare.Read the rest

What’s Most Important: Right Job or Right Boss?

It’s great to have choices but what if it’s a quandary?

Who's the Boss?One job offer is a role that fits you to a “T” with a boss with an awful reputation, the other is a poor-fit job with a well-regarded terrific boss.

While some thrill to have any job offer, figuring out which of these to take can be tough.

The right role fits you like a glove; it’s got stretch when you need it, and plays to your strengths, not your liabilities.Read the rest

[Life Back West] October 2013 – Kismet?

Kismet” the CEO asked?shutterstock_139117229

Yes, kismet,” I said. “The not-so-accidental fact that I’m working with someone who has some of the same strengths and challenges that I have. The good news? I know them well.”

The CEO’s direct report was the client, someone I’ll call “Bob,” did indeed have a skill set that reminded me of me; hardworking, a nose for the business, great rapport with people below him on the corporate pecking order, broad interests and knowledge, smart (well, maybe not that part) and the ability to be too candid when greater diplomacy was in retrospect warranted.Read the rest

Lose Your Voice?

“Did you lose your voice?”shutterstock_128182871

It was the first question my exec coaching client asked himself as the chairman went around the room polling everyone’s thoughts.

Worse,” my client said, “I knew it was a really bad idea and everyone else knew it too.”

Research by social scientists documents the dangers of groupthink; an opinion gets started, a couple of people agree, and pretty soon you have a tidal wave of sentiment pushing in one direction.Read the rest

3 Quick Items Worth Catching

Three posts worth your reading / watching time:

Reading (process)Dan Pink’s new book To Sell is Human has terrific great research on getting your ideas across. Here’s a link to a short video of his 6 Successors to the Elevator Pitch.

Former McKinsey consultant Andrew Sobel’s sweet spot is client relationships. Here’s a recent post titled 6 Essential Roles You Should Play with Clients that frames the key roles you should be thinking about if you work with clients.Read the rest

Do Software Engineers Rule the World?



shutterstock_127976582A guy I met at a client firm’s baseball outing had a singular statement:

Silicon Valley software engineers rule the world!

Do they?

His take was based on some simple facts: the world is run on software, the best of the best software engineers are in Silicon Valley, firms can never find enough good engineers to do work that is indispensable, the jobs pay well to do fun stuff so Silicon Valley engineers must rule the world.Read the rest