[Tips from a CEO] 3 Things You Can Learn from Nancy McKinstry

There’s a brief Q & A interview with the CEO of Dutch-based firm Wolters Kluwer in the Sunday, December 13, 2009 New York Times. While the title is Managing Globally, And Locally, the insights are more than that: there are rather three other key management lessons that any aspiring senior exec should take to heart.

What are they?

1. CEO McKinstry speaks to the importance the impact of tone (my word) she sets from the top.Read the rest

The End of “High Potential” Employees: What Does It Mean for You?

My doctor Michael Sdao practices what he terms “evidence-based” medicine: he puts his faith primarily in approaches and procedures that have been validated by substantiated research. While it’s not necessarily the most daring of approaches,  in the main the outcomes (knock on wood) have been pretty good.

Organizations, on the other hand, are pretty hit and miss as it pertains to using human capital systems and processes that have been validated by evidence based research.Read the rest

[Coaching Tips for Great Leaders] Leading from the Heart

I don’t  live in Marin County, California even though my son goes to grade school there. And I’ll confess that I am more likely than not to be Marin-a-phobic.

So if this post reads a little too new age, dharma breath, hot tubs, and organic tofu  – in other words, all the stuff you might associate with Marin – be aware that I am one of the most earnest and pragmatic people around.Read the rest

[U.S. Independence Day] What Made the Founders So Special?

It’s easy in troubled times – the Great Depression and World War II in the 1930’s and 1940’s, the late 1960’s and today’s times all come to mind – to wax nostalgic for the "good old days" and the presumed leadership that guided a nation’s people through those times.

Great leadership, whether it’s community or corporate, are leaders who effectively take a community or company from Point A to Point B: Moses, for example, or A.Read the rest