When Whispers Beckon: Someone Getting Fired?

There are execs who can’t seem to say goodbye – Howard Schultz and Michael Dell come to mind – while there are those who perform well such as Proctor & Gamble’s Art Lafley, who move on when their time as a CEO is up.

The latter types of leaders make the transition to “civilian” status from the CEO role with grace and timeliness. … Read the rest

Why Does “Slow Down” Make You Go Faster?

The situation with my 30-person startup client is common; they’re growing so fast, and have so much to do that they don’t have time to stop and think.

And in the rush, predictable things happen; mistakes get made, rework has to be done, and you end up taking two steps forward and one step back. Thinking has taken a back set to action.… Read the rest

Executive Leadership: Do Mormons Have the Secret Sauce?

Unless you’ve been under a rock recently, you know that the topic of Mormonism is hot, and the subject of Mormonism and leadership may be even hotter.

What’s up?

There are things that have put the religion in public view such as the Tony award winning hit musical The Book of Mormon and the series finale after five seasons of Big Love, about a polygamist Mormon family of a husband and his three wives.… Read the rest

The Recruiting Wars Updated: All Star Talent Takes (Another) Beating

The lure of “A” players – that “can’t miss” man or woman that so many companies claim to recruit and land – has taken another beating.

It’s not the first time that topgrading and the “A” Player strategy as a hoax has been exposed – and it won’t be its last. Like instant diets and get rich schemes, the attraction of the easy and instant talent fix never ceases to fascinate.… Read the rest