3 Quick Items Worth Catching

Three posts worth your reading / watching time:

Reading (process)Dan Pink’s new book To Sell is Human has terrific great research on getting your ideas across. Here’s a link to a short video of his 6 Successors to the Elevator Pitch.

Former McKinsey consultant Andrew Sobel’s sweet spot is client relationships. Here’s a recent post titled 6 Essential Roles You Should Play with Clients that frames the key roles you should be thinking about if you work with clients.Read the rest

What’s Your Handle?

People pursuing career transition or simply a new job search need crisp, succinct ways of communicating what they’re looking for, and the skills, experiences and background that serve as their foundation.

I call it a “handle.” Something that gives somebody something to grab on to, or something that gives some stickiness – think of two sides of velcro sticking together.… Read the rest

[Dept. of Bad Advice] Your Brand is Not – Repeat Not – Your Elevator Pitch

I could blame my grumpy reaction to this last set of rainy days in San Francisco, but I won’t. Instead I’ll attribute to the type of “nice graphics first, let’s think about what it means later” approach that pops up every once and a while. And a case of bad career advice.

PriceWaterhouseCoopers is running something called Personal Brand Week. Their web page has a cute set of five name tags, conveniently corresponding to the five days of a traditional workweek and arranged in ascending order, foundations first.Read the rest